Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Porter's 2 month check-up

Porter had his 2 month check-up with Dr Delahunty today. He was 90th% for length, 70th% for head, and he's off the charts for weight. Actually she said 97th%. He weighed 14lbs 6oz!! He is 1lb 3oz bigger than Connor was at 2 mos, and Connor was 90th%. Well, I guess there are no concerns about failure to thrive! He's not missing any meals. Otherwise his check-up was good. He had to get 3 shots, and was not too happy about that, poor guy. He also got an oral rotovirus vaccine, which I think tasted terrible, but he managed to keep it down.

He's been a bit on the fussy side for the past couple of evenings, and it's bringing back memories of marching around the house trying to keep Connor content in the evening. Good thing this won't last forever. Hopefully it will be over quickly. It's so hard when you don't know what to do for them. He doesn't want to eat, he isn't falling asleep when he's put in his crib, he doesn't seem to need to burp, he just wants to be held and walked around. At least I can have Jeff help me by taking turns. Good thing he's so darn cute!

Dr D listened to Connor's lungs and said they sound great, so hopefully he is mostly over his cold/cough. He still needs to continue with his breathing treatments, but hopefully only for a week or so more.

Not much else to report. I think we got more snow yesterday than we did on Sunday. It's pretty cold today though, so I'm not too excited to get outside with Connor.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh My gosh! What are you feeding that boy! lol! My boys were only about 12lbs or so at 2 months!! Go Porter!