Sunday, December 2, 2007

Snow & Smiles!

Porter is 8 weeks old now and really cooing and smiling a lot. He is getting to be really fun when he's awake. He could just look at you for the longest time and coo and smile. It's so cute. He's doing pretty well at night too, but is still usually up every 3-4 hours. I'm pretty used to it, and I may not have any more children, so I'm trying to cherish this time because he will never be this little again, and I will never have this special time with him. This week we have the follow-up appointment with the pediatric surgeon to look at his hemangioma on is leg, and then his regular 2 month appt with the pediatrician. I am a little curious to see what they recommend doing with his leg. They may want to continue watching it for a bit.

Here are some new photos of Porter:

We had a big snowstorm yesterday, but really ended up getting only about 4 inches or so I'd say. Even so, it was fun and Connor & I got outside sledding while Daddy gave Porter a bottle. He's got to get some practice since I will be going back to work in about a month! Hard to believe. It's gone by so quickly, and I'm sure with the holidays coming up the rest will just fly by. I'm sure it will be fine, and it's nice to know that Porter is going to the same daycare provider that Connor goes to, so I don't have to stress about that like I did when Connor was a baby. I will be going back to work 1 more 8 hour shift per week than I was before I had Porter. Hopefully that will work out ok. My daycare provider says it will be better for Connor since he misses out on some of the stuff they work on during the week just going 2 days a week. I will still only be working 3 days a week. Oh well, gotta pay off the basement and the baby!

Oh, and I added in some photos of our Las Vegas trip to the Las Vegas post.

Here is a photo of Connor sledding today:

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