Fall is in full swing here. We had a beautiful week last week and got to enjoy the outdoors. We did some jumping in leaves and also got to enjoy a beautiful day at Afton Alps Ski Resort where Jeff had a Cyclocross race on Saturday.
Porter had his 12 month check up not long ago, and is now 23lbs 6oz which is between the 50th and 75th %, he's 31in long (75-90%) and 18 3/4 in head (75%). He measures about a pound heavier than Connor did at 12 mos, and I think the length and head are about the same. He's still not walking, but will stand alone briefly and cruises around everything. He'd much rather crawl since he is so fast. When we try to get him to walk he sometimes will do it while holding our hand, but if he's not in the mood he goes all jelly bones on us. He's definitely got an opinion about what he wants to do. He has started saying baby, and said puppy once or twice for me. He makes a woof woof noise when he sees a puppy or just about any other animal as well. He has also said "Miaa" for a kitty but also says woof woof. It's getting a little frustrating sometimes because if he wants something he just says "ME ME" or points at things. If he's trying to tell you about something he says "Didi". He occasionally says Mommy or Mi-ommy, but says Dada a lot. He's has cut his first 1 year molar last week and is battling a cold right now.
Connor is doing well in kindergarten. He seems to be learning a lot, and is constantly asking how words are spelled, or what the sum is of 2 numbers. He seems to be making friends at school and likes going. He is looking forward to starting hockey soon, and loves being outside whenever he can. He competed in the kids race on Saturday and did pretty well, though he had a hard time lifting his bike over the barrier.
We are looking forward to Halloween on Friday. Connor is going to be Indiana Jones and Porter is going to be the Incredible Hulk. I'll post photos after the big day.
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