Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Porter is 4 months old!

Wow, time feels like it is really flying! Porter was 4 months old on Monday and had his 4 month check-up today. He weighs 16lbs 15oz which is between the 90th and 95th %. His head and length measurements were both in the 75th %. He is a big, healthy, strapping boy! Dr Delahunty said it was ok to start cereal, which I am grateful for since it might help him not need as much food overnight. Overall he has been doing pretty well, but last night was up every 3 hours to eat! That's pretty hard to manage when I have to work 12 hour shifts the next day. She said he should be able to go 8 hour stretches (which he usually does about once a week, so I know he is capable), so we could start letting him cry it out when he wakes before 4am. I might tackle that after my weekend stretch is over this weekend. He got some shots too, so hopefully they won't bother him as much as they did last time. He was just really fussy. This time I gave him some tylenol right after the shots and will keep giving him a dose every 4 hours until he goes to bed tonight. He still hasn't rolled over yet, so we are waiting for that to happen. He's still got everything in his mouth whenever he can get his hands on things, and if not then his hands are in his mouth. Dr D says she doesn't feel any imminent teeth though, so it could be a while.

Funny Connor story:

He had his friend Henry over the other day to play, and I had to feed Porter. I went up in the baby's room hoping they wouldn't come up, but of course they did. I had a blanket over Porter just in case, and Henry says "Is the baby under there?" "What is he doing?" I said he was eating, and he said "How does he eat from your tummy?". Connor whips up his shirt, points to his nipple and says "Outta here, only WAY bigger". I could have died laughing, but waited until they left the room. It was pretty hilarious. Hopefully Henry isn't traumatized by the newfound knowledge that he has, but he seemed like it wasn't a big deal. You just never know what's going to come out of their mouths sometimes!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Wow Porter is so big! I have the same thing happen when the boys' have friends over. They look at me like i have two heads when I tell them I am feeding the baby!