So, I haven't updated for a while. I've just been a little more busy since returning back to work, and also have been fighting illness, first Porter, then me.
Poor Porter was sick last week with a cough, low-grade fever and stuffy nose. He started getting sick last Wednesday, but really had a horrible night Friday into Saturday. He didn't sleep longer than a 2 hour stretch all night (which means we didn't either!). I brought him in the next morning to the clinic and they basically just said he has a cold and his left ear was a bit red. He gave me a prescription of Amoxicillin to fill just in case, and I went ahead and filled it because he still didn't seem like he was any better. Poor thing, he just moaned all night long and slept only for the 2 hours following a tylenol dose. He's up to 17lbs 11.5oz now too. Luckily he seems to be getting better, with just a little congestion now. He's really been working on rolling over, and can get his upper body turned, but is still working on the legs. Also he has been grabbing his toes and loves to have no clothes on so he can get a better grip on them. He's also been a lot more vocal lately and curls up his tongue and talks. Very cute. He's doing well with cereal and fruits and veggies. He still sometimes wants to suck on the spoon to get the food, but he's getting better at it.
So, on to my medical update. We went out on Monday to pick up Jeff's car from the dealership (it didn't want to start for him on Friday so he had to have them look at it). We went out to dinner on our way home, and I asked Jeff if it was drafty where we were sitting because I was so cold. I didn't even take my winter coat off when we sat down. I progressively became more chilled, and couldn't wait to get home and get in bed with the heating pad. My temp went up to 103.3 at the highest. I was really feeling miserable. I took some Advil, and it was starting to come down, but I called the doctor anyway since my mom had tested positive for Influenza B, and I had been exposed to her. He called in a prescription for Tamiflu which Jeff went to pick up. I took that around 10pm and went to bed. I woke up around 2am and vomited, and it looked like there was blood in it, and also when I coughed, it was bright red blood. I was a little freaked out by that. I threw up several more times during the night and continued to run a fever. I had called in sick the evening before, and Jeff brought the kids to daycare in the morning. I called the doctor and was able to get in at 8:45 to be seen. She did a chest x-ray, bloodwork and a urine test, and also swabbed my nose for Influenza, which came back negative. Turns out, I have bacterial pneumonia! I was really surprised, because it all came on so suddenly. I have had a bit of a productive cough lately, but nothing I was really bothered by. Very strange. Anyway, my whole right side of my back where the pneumonia is, is soooo painful. It's a little better today now that my Z-pack has kicked in a bit. I could hardly take a deep breath, and even yawning hurt. My daycare provider was kind enough to rearrange rides to preschool so we could send the kids again today and let me rest up. I will not be coming to work tomorrow or Friday, and of course I am scheduled all weekend too. I am going to wait and see how I feel for Saturday. I also don't want to expose any of my patients or co-workers either, but also want to make sure I can weather a 12 hour shift or 2! I'm still coughing up blood today too, so I'm not sure how much longer that will last. It's a little freaky.
Connor is turning 5 (!!!!) on Tuesday next week! I can hardly believe it. He wanted to have his party on his actual birthday, so we are going to Club Just Jump, an inflatable jumping place in Woodbury. We have invited 6 of his friends from preschool/daycare including his little girlfriend Emma! I've got to get some photos. They are too cute. They will also be going to kindergarten together next year at Transfiguration Catholic School. I had to send in his registration last week. I can't believe I'm getting my baby ready for kindergarten. I think he will really like it, but he says he doesn't want to go to all day kindergarten. When I told him he would be there all day anyway on the days I am working he seemed resigned to it. I think he will like doing before and after school care there because he has lots of friends from our neighborhood and from his hockey team who will be there as well. He has his last practices for hockey this weekend. Next I think we will do more swimming lessons, and explore soccer or t-ball depending on what he's interested in.
I will add pictures later when I have downloaded.
grey and yellow area rug
3 years ago